Ademir Antonio Bacca

Ademir Antonio Bacca (born Serafina Corrêa / Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is writer, poet and journalist.


He has published eight books of poetry: Asas e Coração, Pátria Amada de Outros Poeminhas Insensatos, A Tragédia dos Anjos, O Trágico Circo Cotidiano, Página de Jornal, Inventário de Emoções, Pandorgas ao Vento e Plano de Vôo. In partnership with Hary Dalla Colletta published eleven books of folklore. With Elisabeth Vânia Larentis published Boca do Mundo. Participated of 23 anthologies and his poetic work is published in the United States, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Italy, France, Canada, Mexico and Portugal.

As a journalist founded the newspapers' Laconicus' and 'Garatuja', which is Editor.

Cultural events producer, created and coordinates the ´Congresso Brasileiro de Poesia´(Brazilian Congress of Poetry), 'Encontro Latino-Americano de Casas de Poetas' (Meeting of Latin American houses of Poets), the 'Mostra Internacional de Poesia Visual' (International Exhibition of Visual Poetry) and ´'Noite da Poesia Brasileira em Havana' (Night of Brazilian Poetry in Havana). He has created, furthermore, the 'Semana Oscar Bertholdo de Poesia' (Week Oscar Bertholdo of Poetry) and is President of Proyecto Cultural Sur / Brazil and 1st Vice President of the international entity, which is headquartered in Canada.

He integrates various cultural organizations, some of them from outside Brazil, and accumulate some literary prizes, including national level.

By its actions in favour of Brazilian poetry, received several honors, including the 'Oscar Bertholdo', 'Comenda 300 Anos da Morte de Zumbi dos Palmares', the 'Mérito Cultural Juscelino Kubitschek' and the titles 'Notáveis Serafinenses na Cultura Italiana',' Personalidade Cultural da União Brasileira de Escritores do Rio de Janeiro´ and 'Agente Cultural do Ano' Newspaper 'The Capital', Aracaju.

Bacca was the patron of ´Feira do Livro´(Book Fair), Bento Gonçalves (RG / Brazil), 1999 edition.

In 2007 he was nominated ´Embaixador Universal da Paz´ (Universal Ambassador for Peace)


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