Blebak Beach

Blebak Beach also known as Pantai Blebak[1] is a tourist beach in Sekuro Village, Jepara, Central Java. This beach is located 10km southward of the hall of the Office of the Regent of Jepara.


Blebak Beach[2] located in the village of Sekuro, District Mlonggo, Jepara regency. No need to worry for the access road to the beach Blebak in the District of Mlonggo this. Besides not too far from the center of Jepara, All access road condition is very good. Attractiveness.


The beach is clean[3] in between the pieces of soft corals and also gives a sense of comfort and kedamain heart. The location is very far from the crowds, the air is dry and cool lull in peace of mind. in line with the fatigue that forced us to beristirahat.wilayah which has not been much in reach, mangroves simple fisherman chart view of the chart, with the atmosphere of the sunset, is simply amazing. Simple indeed, but in the simplicity of the sights you may not be able to meet the same atmosphere. there is no harm if we try to clear our brains in between the white sand and clean atmosphere among the ripples of the waves that never tired in chasing each other.


Blebak Beach has several rides, namely:


Blebak beach has several facilities, namely:


Blebak Beach advantages compared to other beaches. Blebak Beach no less beautiful with Tirto Samodra Beach (Beach Bandengan). In fact, this Blebak beaches tend to be more clean and clear sea water. In addition, the depths of the ocean on the beach is not too deep. Even for a distance of 100 meters to the sea, the sea water depth of no more than waist adults. So it is suitable for you who want to travel to the beach by getting a brother or little as nothing to be afraid of drowning. The beach was very crowded on Friday, Weekends, and Holidays, a lot of the visit children and adults.


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