Cold water extraction

Cold water extraction is the process whereby a substance is extracted from a mixture via cold water. It is a type of fractional crystallization.

The process generally involves taking a mixture of substances, dissolving them in warm water, and then rapidly cooling the mixture. The insoluble compounds precipitate out of the water, while the soluble ones stay dissolved. The solution can then be separated by filtration or decantation.

This process works by exploiting the differences in solubility of different substances in a low temperature mixture. Opiates are much more soluble in cold water than acetaminophen.[1][2] It is commonly used to separate out opiate-derived drugs that have been mixed with common non-opiate-based analgesics. Cold water extraction is often used with Codeine/Paracetamol, hydrocodone/paracetamol and oxycodone/paracetamol medications.

See also


  1. Pubchem. "Diacetylmorphine | C21H23NO5 - PubChem". Retrieved 2016-07-22.
  2. Pubchem. "acetaminophen | HOC6H4NHCOCH3 - PubChem". Retrieved 2016-07-22.

Cold water extraction

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