Egmondville, Ontario

Coordinates: 43°32′19″N 81°24′22″W / 43.538557°N 81.406057°W / 43.538557; -81.406057 Egmondville is a historic former village now part of the community of Seaforth in the municipality of Huron East, in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. The community was founded in 1845 by Constant Van Egmond (1808-1884), the eldest son of Anthony Van Egmond and named in honour of his father.

Other children of Van Egmond include:[1]

Van Edmonds and son Constant were contracted in the 1830s to widen Huron Road and became the largest landowners in the area.[2]


Grandson William David Van Egmond (1846-1922) son William Gysbert Van Egmond (1883-1949) was a Regina-based architect.[3][4]

Constant Van Egmond became a local magistrate.[5]



See also

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