GNSS positioning calculation

The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning for receiver's position is derived through the calculation steps, or algorithm, given below. In essence, a GNSS receiver measures the transmitting time of GNSS signals emitted from four or more GNSS satellites and these measurements are used to obtain its position (i.e., spatial coordinates) and reception time.

Calculation steps

  1. A global-navigation-satellite-system (GNSS) receiver measures the apparent transmitting time, , or "phase", of GNSS signals emitted from four or more GNSS satellites ( ), simultaneously.[1]
  2. GNSS satellites broadcast the messages of satellites' ephemeris, , and intrinsic clock bias (i.e., clock advance), as the functions of (atomic) standard time, e.g., GPST.[2]
  3. The transmitting time of GNSS satellite signals, , is thus derived from the non-closed-form equations and , where is the relativistic clock bias, periodically risen from the satellite's orbital eccentricity and Earth's gravity field.[2] The satellite's position and velocity are determined by as follows: and .
  4. In the field of GNSS, "geometric range", , is defined as straight range, or 3-dimensional distance,[3] from to in inertial frame (e.g., Earth-centered inertial (ECI) one), not in rotating frame.[2]
  5. The receiver's position, , and reception time, , satisfy the light-cone equation of in inertial frame, where is the speed of light. The signal transit time is .
  6. The above is extended to the satellite-navigation positioning equation, , where is atmospheric delay (= ionospheric delay + tropospheric delay) along signal path and is the measurement error.
  7. The Gauss–Newton method can be used to solve the nonlinear least-squares problem for the solution: , where . Note that should be regarded as a function of and .
  8. The posterior distribution of and is proportional to , whose mode is . Their inference is formalized as maximum a posteriori estimation.
  9. The posterior distribution of is proportional to .

The solution illustrated

The GPS case

in which is the orbital eccentric anomaly of satellite , is the mean anomaly, is the eccentricity, and .

The GLONASS case


See also


  1. 1 2 Misra, P. and Enge, P., Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance, 2nd, Ganga-Jamuna Press, 2006.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The interface specification of NAVSTAR GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM
  3. 3-dimensional distance is given by where and represented in inertial frame.
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