How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy

How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy
(Comment Obélix est tombé dans la marmite du druide quand il était petit)
Date 1989
Series Asterix
Creative team
Writers René Goscinny
Artists Albert Uderzo
Original publication
Date of publication 1989
Language French

How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy is an Asterix story written by René Goscinny and originally published in the French magazine Pilote issue 291 (1965), with only a few drawings. In 1989 it was fully illustrated by Albert Uderzo and published in an album as a text story with illustrations.

Plot summary

The story is narrated by Asterix, apparently to the conventional readership, and tells that in childhood, Obelix was often bullied by other boys, until Asterix, to assist his courage, induced him to drink some of the magic potion that made the villagers invincible. When they are interrupted in the act, Obelix falls into the cauldron containing the potion, and drinks it all, and is thereafter permanently under its influence.



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See also

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