I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate

"I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate"

A screenshot from I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate
Music video by Suli Breaks
Published YouTube
Released 14 August 2013 (2013-44-14)
Genre Spoken word, Hip Hop
Length 5:53
Language English

"I Will Not Let an Exam Result Decide My Fate" is a 2013 video by English spoken word poet Suli Breaks.


The video tells the story of a mother and son who have just been to a parents' evening at school. Suli Breaks chastises parents, teachers, and the government for focusing on exams - instead of nurturing raw talent.[1]

Critical response

The Huffington Post said, "Throughout his act, Breaks explores the attitudes of today's society towards young people and exams."[2]

Joe Martino of Collective-Evolution said, "...Suli Breaks delivers a powerful spoken word piece drawing attention to not only exams but the entire school system. He sheds light on the fact that as a society we are simply repeating methods of learning and doing that are based on inherently faulty ideals."[3] Iain Robinson of EwokesSAy said about Breaks, "...a true talent and impressive skill to inform and inspire others beyond the self-gratifying nature of most contemporary pop culture that only seeks to serve itself and sell that self to others."[4]

See also


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