Ibaté is a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil with a population of 30,734 in 2010 according to IBGE.[1] The city's name comes from the Tupi language and means "dry lake".[2]
Ibaté is located on the east-center of the state, 12 km from São Carlos and 247 km from the city of São Paulo.
The origins and development of the city has relation with the coffee production on the region, at the end of the 19th century. The village of São João Batista da Lagoa was founded in January 29, 1893. In 1900 the village was elevated to district, with the name of Vila de Ibaté
In December 30, 1953, Ibaté was officially established as a municipality.[2]
| Capital | |
| 1,000,000+ | |
| 500,000+ | |
| 200,000+ | |
| 100,000+ | |
Araçatuba |
| Andradina | |
| Araçatuba | |
| Birigui | |
| |
Bauru |
| Avaré | |
| Bauru | |
| Botucatu | |
| Jaú | |
| Lins | |
Campinas |
| Amparo | |
| Campinas | |
| Mogi Mirim | |
| Pirassununga | |
| São João da Boa Vista | |
Itapetininga |
| Capão Bonito | |
| Itapetininga | |
| Itapeva | |
| Tatuí | |
Macro Metropolitana Paulista |
| Bragança Paulista | |
| Jundiaí | |
| Piedade | |
| Sorocaba | |
Metropolitana de São Paulo |
| Franco da Rocha | |
| Guarulhos | |
| Itapecerica da Serra | |
| Mogi das Cruzes | |
| Osasco | |
| Santos | |
| São Paulo | |
Piracicaba |
| Limeira | |
| Piracicaba | |
| Rio Claro | |
Presidente Prudente |
| Adamantina | |
| Dracena | |
| Presidente Prudente | |
Ribeirão Preto |
| Barretos | |
| Batatais | |
| Franca | |
| Ituverava | |
| Jaboticabal | |
| Ribeirão Preto | |
| São Joaquim da Barra | |
São José do Rio Preto |
| Auriflama | |
| Catanduva | |
| Fernandópolis | |
| Jales | |
| Nhandeara | |
| Novo Horizonte | |
| São José do Rio Preto | |
| Votuporanga | |
Vale do Paraíba Paulista |
| Bananal | |
| Campos do Jordão | |
| Caraguatatuba | |
| Guaratinguetá | |
| Paraibuna/Paraitinga | |
| São José dos Campos | |