Lambert-W step-potential

The Lambert-W step-potential[1] affords the fifth – next to those of the harmonic oscillator plus centrifugal, the Coulomb plus inverse square, the Morse, and the inverse square root[2] potentials – exact solution to the stationary one-dimensional Schrödinger equation in terms of the confluent hypergeometric functions.[3] The potential is given as

 V(x) = \frac{V_0}{1+W (e^{-x/\sigma})}.

where W is the Lambert function also known as the product logarithm. This is an implicitly elementary function that resolves the equation We^W=z.

The Lambert W-potential is an asymmetric step of height V_0 whose steepness and asymmetry are controlled by parameter \sigma. If the space origin and the energy origin are also included, it presents a four-parametric specification of a more general five-parametric potential which is also solvable in terms of the confluent hypergeometric functions. This generalized potential, however, is a conditionally integrable one (that is, it involves a fixed parameter).


The general solution of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for a particle of mass m and energy E:


for the Lambert W-barrier for arbitrary V_0 and \sigma is written as

\psi(x)=z^{i\delta/2}e^{-isz/2}\left(\frac{du(z)}{dz}-i\frac{\delta+s}{2}u(z)\right), z=W(e^{-x/\sigma}),

where u(z) is the general solution of the scaled confluent hypergeometric equation


and the involved parameters are given as

a=\frac{\delta(\delta+s)}{2s}+\frac{\sigma\sqrt{m}V_0}{\sqrt{2E}\hbar}, \delta=2\sigma\sqrt{\frac{2m(E-V_0)}{\hbar^2}}, s=2\sigma\sqrt{\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}}.

A peculiarity of the solution is that each of the two fundamental solutions composing the general solution involves a combination of two confluent hypergeometric functions.

If the quantum transmission above the Lambert W-potential is discussed, it is convenient to choose the general solution of the scaled confluent hypergeometric equation as

u=c_1(isz)^{1-i\delta}{}_1F_1(1+i(a-\delta);2-i\delta;isz)+c_2 U(ia;i\delta;isz),

where c_{1,2} are arbitrary constants and {}_1F_1 and U are the Kummer and Tricomi confluent hypergeometric functions, respectively. The two confluent hypergeometric functions are here chosen such that each of them stands for a separate wave moving in a certain direction. For a wave incident from the left, the reflection coefficient written in terms of the standard notations for the wave numbers



R=e^{-2\pi\sigma k_2}\frac{\sinh{\left(\frac{\pi \sigma}{2 k_1}(k_1-k_2)^2\right)}}{\sinh{\left(\frac{\pi \sigma}{2 k_1}(k_1+k_2)^2\right)}}

See also

a/ Confluent hypergeometric potentials

b/ Hypergeometric potentials

c/ Other potentials


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