List of Appalachian dinosaurs

This is a list of dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from Appalachia. During the Late Cretaceous period, the Western Interior Seaway divided the continent of North America into two landmasses; one in the west named Laramidia and Appalachia in the east. Since they were separated from each other, the dinosaur faunas on each of them were very different. For example, nodosaurs were common in Appalachia, but they were rare in Laramidia, and there were only specialized forms, such as Edmontonia and Panoplosaurus. This is an example of how isolated faunas develop differently.

List of Appalachian dinosaurs

Name Period Diet Notes
Acrocanthosaurus Cretaceouscarnivore - Large carnivorous carcharodontosaurid found in Maryland.
Ammosaurus Jurassic herbivore - Small herbivorous sauropodomorph found in Connecticut.
Anchisaurus Jurassic herbivore - Small herbivorous sauropodomorph found in Connecticut.
Appalachiosaurus Cretaceous carnivore - Large tyrannosauroid from Alabama.
Arkansaurus Cretaceous carnivore -An indeterminate theropod from Arkansas. Many paleontologists believe it could be related to Ornithomimus.
Astrodon Cretaceous herbivore - Large herbivorous sauropod found in Maryland.
Claosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A primitive hadrosaur. The only known fossil specimen found got washed into the Western Interior Seaway. It is believed to be from Appalachia because it was found closer to the Appalachia side of the sea and is unknown from Laramidia.
Coelosaurus Cretaceous carnivore/omnivore - May be synonymous with Ornithomimus.
Deinonychus Cretaceous carnivore - A medium-sized raptor found in Maryland.
Diplotomodon Cretaceous carnivore - A dubious name for a species of tyrannosauroid from New Jersey, possibly for Dryptosaurus or a potentially new genus.
Dryptosaurus Cretaceous carnivore - Medium-sized tyrannosauriod from New Jeresy.
Eotrachodon Cretaceous herbivore - A hadrosaur from Alabama known from a nearly complete skeleton.
Hadrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - First known dinosaur skeleton from the United States. Discovered in 1858 in Haddonfield, New Jersey.
Hypsibema Cretaceous herbivore - Little known hadrosaur first discovered in North Carolina in 1869. Better material of a second species was found in Missouri.
Lophorhothon Cretaceous herbivore - A hadrosaur from Alabama with skull fragments discovered.
Niobrarasaurus Cretaceous herbivore - Another example of a nodosaurid dinosaur from Kansas.
Parrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A junior synonym of Hypsibema missouriensis. It is the state dinosaur of Missouri.
Priconodon Cretaceous herbivore - A nodosaur from Maryland found only from fossilized teeth.
Propanoplosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A nodosaurid dinosaur from Maryland.
Podokesaurus Jurassic carnivore - Small therapod from Connecticut River Valley, may be synonymous with Coelophysis.
Silvisaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A herbivorous nodosaur from the state of Kansas. Similarly to Claosaurus, This specimen found was probably washed into the Western Interior Seaway. It is believed to be from Appalachia because it was found closer to the Appalachia side of the sea.
Tenontosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A herbivorous iguanodontid whose fossil remains have been discovered in Maryland.
Zephyrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore - A herbivorous hypsilophodontid whose fossil remains have been discovered in Maryland and Virginia.


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