List of hymns composed by Ira D. Sankey

Ira D. Sankey

During the last three decades of the 19th century, Ira D. Sankey partnered Dwight Moody in a series of religious revivalist campaigns, mainly in North America and Europe. Moody preached, Sankey sang; as part of his musical ministry, Sankey collected hymns and songs, and in 1877 published the original edition of Sacred Songs and Solos, with 271 numbers. Over the following years new, expanded editions of Sacred Songs were produced, containing many standard hymns as well as revivalist songs, the final edition from the 1890s containing 1,200 pieces. Sankey wrote the words for very few of these, but he composed and/or arranged new tunes for many of the hymns in the collection, particular for those written by Fanny Crosby. The following lists contains all the hymns composed by Sankey that are found in the "1200" edition of Sacred Songs and Solos.

Table of hymns

Note: names marked * are pseudonyms for Fanny J. Crosby.[1]

Hymn No.[n 1] First line Words by Hymn/Tune title[n 2] Notes
8 "Grace! 'tis a charming sound"P. Doddridge and A.M. Toplady
35 "Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy Kingly crown"E.S. Elliott Thou Didst Leave
39 "Tell the glad story of Jesus who came"Julia Sterling* Tell the Glad Story Again
43"Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart..."Fanny J. Crosby The Sweetest Story
48 "Jesus knows thy sorrow"Fanny J. Crosby
49 "What a blessed hope is mine"Robert Bruce* The Love of Jesus
54 "Come, sing the sweet song of the ages"Mrs. R.N. Turner Song of Immanuel
62 "He is seeking for the lost"Rebecca R. Springer
71 "Oh, precious words that Jesus said"Fanny J. Crosby
76 "O Love that passeth knowledge"Lyman G. Cuyler*
83 "Blessed Redeemer, full of compassion"Fanny J. Crosby
96 "Oh, wondrous Name, by prophets heard"J.L. Sterling*
97 "There were ninety and nine that safely lay"Elizabeth C. Clephane The Ninety and Nine According to Sankey, this melody was improvised at an Edinburgh revivalist meeting in 1874.[2]
104 "I've found a Friend in Jesus" C.W. Fry The Lily of the Valley Original tune by William S. Hays, adapted by Fry and arr. Sankey[3]
114 "Look away to the cross of the Crucified One" Fanny J. CrosbyRoom at the Cross
125 "Behold, a fountain deep and wide"Ira D. Sankey The Cleansing Fountain
128 "O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head" Mrs. A.R. CousinSubstitution
139 "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" Elizabeth C. Clephane Clephane
159 "On that bright and golden morning when the Son of Man shall come" Fanny J. CrosbyWhat a Gathering
164"Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming!"Rian A. DykesThe King is Coming
170"We are waiting, blessed Saviour" Fanny J. CrosbyWaiting for Thy Coming
172"He is coming, the Man of Sorrows" Alice Monteith*
174"Oh, the weary night is waning" Fanny J. CrosbyWhen the King Shall Come
186"O watchman on the mountain height" W.G. CushingComing
192"Holy Spirit, lead us now" John H. Yates
195"Come, Holy Spirit, like a dove descending" Robert Bruce*
200"Descend, O Flame of sacred fire" Fanny J. Crosby
206"We praise thee, we bless Thee, our Saviour Divine" Fanny J. Crosby Arranged by Sankey from a tune by Thomas Koschat (1845–1914)[4]
210"Glory ever be to Jesus" Ira D. Sankey
211"Redeem'd from death, redeem'd from sin" S.F. Smith* Redeemed
220"Praise the Lord and worship Him, a song prepare" Fanny J. Crosby
231"Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling" F.W. Faber Arranged by Sankey and Charles Crozat Converse[5]
233 "God is Love! His Word proclaims it" Fanny J. Crosby
234 "Let us sing again the praise of the Saviour" Lyman G. Cuyler*
236 "Come, oh come and let us worship" Lyman G. Cuyler*
238 "God of love and God of might" R.F. Gordon A Song of Praise
247 "Oh serve the Lord with gladness" Fanny J. Crosby
250 "My life flows on in endless song" Robert LowryHow Can I Keep from Singing
257 "Oh, tell me the story that never grows old" James M. Gray
264 "Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord" Julia Sterling*Oh Wonderful Word
266 "Thanks for Thy Word, O blessed Redeemer" Fanny J. CrosbyThanks for the Bible
293 "Once more at rest, my peaceful thoughts are blending " Fanny J. Crosby
294 "Stealing from the world away" Ray PalmerAn Evening Prayer
304 "Let us sing of the wonderful mercy of God" Lyman G. Cuyler* Simeon
308 "Oh welcome, hour of prayer" John H. Yates
312 "Once more, O Lord, we pray" W.O. Cushing
315 "For the tempted, Lord, we pray" Mrs M.H. Gates
324 "Lord, we gather in Thy name" Fanny J. Crosby Bless This Hour of Prayer
328 "Hear us, O Saviour, while we pray " Fanny J. Crosby Showers of Blessing
335 "Oh, do not let the Word depart" Miss E. Reed Why not Tonight?
346 "Not far, not far from the Kingdom" Frederic Smith
348 "Why waitest thou, O burdened soul" Fanny J. Crosby
349 "Come, oh come with thy broken heart" Fanny J. Crosby
350 "I have a Saviour, he's pleading in glory " S. O'M. CloughI Am Praying For You
353 "Oh, the precious gospel story" Fanny J. CrosbyThe Story Must Be Told
361"Behold, behold the wondrous love" Fanny J. Crosby
383"O wandering souls, why will you roam" Alice Monteith* Whoever Will
387"Take the wings of the morning" Robert Lowry
391"Call them in – the poor, the wretched" Anna Shipton
394"Wilt thou come, O soul oppressed " Ira D. Sankey
395"Our life is like a stormy sea" John H. YatesThe Harbour Bell
397"Look unto Me, and be ye saved" W.P. MacKay
402"Press onward, press onward, and trusting the Lord... " Julia Sterling*Believe and Obey!
407"Come, thou weary, Jesus calls thee" S.C. Morgan
413"Come to the Saviour, here his loving voice" Julia Sterling*Oh, What a Saviour!
419" Oh hear the joyful message" Julia Sterling*Whosoever Calleth
423"Why perish with cold and with hunger" Mary A. BakerCome, Wanderer, Come
429"Yet there is room! The Lamb's bright hall of song" Horatius Bonar Sankey records this as the first gospel song he composed (1874).[6]
432"At the feast of Belshazzar and a thousand of his lords" Knowles Shaw The Handwriting on the Wall Sankey's arrangement of Shaw's original tune[7]
436"Oh, give thy heart to Jesus" W.O. Cushing
438"Look not behind thee; O sinner, beware!" Fanny J. Crosby
444"O wanderer, come to the Father's house" W.O. CushingThe Father's House
447"In the land of strangers " Horatius BonarWelcome, Wanderer, Welcome!
449"Turn thee, O lost one, careworn and weary" Fanny J. CrosbyTenderly Pleading
459"O souls in darkness groping" Julia H. JohnsonBelieve ye that He is Able?
463 "Afflictions, tho' they seem severe" John NewtonThe Prodigal's Return Tune from unknown source, arranged by Sankey[8]
465 "Hast thou no room within thy heart" John H. YatesRoom for Jesus
467 "I come, O blessed Lord" Ellen K. Bradford
468 "Jesus, I will trust Thee " Mary J. Wilson
476 "Jesus my Lord, to Thee I cry " Eliza H. HamiltonTake Me as I Am
481 "Lone and weary, sad and dreary" Allie StarbrightI am Coming
492 "Jesus Christ is passing by" J. Denham Smith
495 "O Jesus, Saviour, here my call" Fanny J. CrosbyO Blessed Lord, I Come
507 "Onward, upward, homeward" Albert Midlane
517 "God will take care of me" Fanny Crosby
519 "Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I" W.O. CushingHiding in Thee
527 "Thou art, O Lord, my hiding place"R. Hutchinson My Hiding Place
531 "In the shadow of the Rock"Ray Palmer
532 "Take Thou my hand and lead me"Julia Sterling*
535 "In the Secret of His presence He will hide me "Fanny J. Crosby He Will Safely Hide Me
539 "The Lord's our Rock, in Him we'll hide""V.J.C." A Shelter in the Time of Storm
541 " Under His wings I am safely abiding"W.O. CushingUnder His Wings
544 "Where my Saviour's hand is guiding"Fanny J. CrosbyWhere my Saviour Leads Tune of unknown origin arranged by Sankey
546"Lead to the shadow of the Rock of Refuge"Fanny J. Crosby The Shadow of the Rock
551 "Firm as a Rock that is in the mighty ocean"Fanny J. Crosby
559 "The Lord is my refuge, my Strength and Shield"Fanny J. Crosby
579 "Thou whose hand thus far has led me "Julia Sterling* Near to Thee
620 "It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine"Mary Shekelton
631 "There is a Light, a blessed light "Fanny J. CrosbyLet us Walk in the Light Tune of unknown origin arranged by Sankey
636 "Help me, O Lord, the God of my salvation"Fanny J. Crosby
651 "To the cross of Christ I cling"Mary Tilden* Precious Thoughts
670 "Onward, soldiers, onward today!"Fanny J. Crosby
672 "Am I a soldier of the Cross"Isaac Watts A Soldier of the Cross
677 "Take courage, temperance workers"John G. Whittier The Ship of Temperance
678 "A song, a song for water bright"G. CooperA Song for Water Bright
682 "Encamped along the hills of light"John H. YatesFaith is the Victory
686 "Be ye strong in the Lord"E. Nathan
693 "Onward, upward, Christian soldier"Fanny J. Crosby Onward, Upward
699 "O brother, life's journey beginning"H.R.P.
702 "Long in darkness we have waited"W.O. LattimoreOut of Darkness into Light
709 "O troubled heart, be thou not afraid"Fanny J. CrosbyAble to Deliver
712 "O child of God, wait patiently"Alice Monteith*
716 "O troubled heart, there is a balm"Fanny J. CrosbyTht Saviour Knows Them All
720 "Night has fallen on the city"P.P. Bliss Paul and Silas
722 "How oft our souls are lifted up"Charles Bruce*The Many Mansions
724 "How dear to my heart, when the pathway is lonely" Fanny J. Crosby Tune of unknown origin arranged by Sankey
725 "Where'er my Father's hand may guide me"W. Robert LindsayAll, All is Well
732 "Rest in the Lord, O weary, heavy-laden"Fanny J. Crosby Rest in the Lord
739 "Thou art my Great Physician "Fanny J. CrosbyMy Great Physician
756 "Behold, the Master now is calling"Julia Sterling* The Master's Call
758 "Leave not for tomorrow the work of today "Fanny J. CrosbyGather the Golden Grain
760 "Sow in the morning thy seed"James Montgomery
766 "In the early morning/Verdant fields adorning"Robert Bruce*Gather in the Sheaves
771 "Cast thy bread upon the waters"Anonymous
775 "Oh list to the voice of the Prophet of old"Fanny J. CrosbyThey that be Wise
782 "Who will man the life-boat?"C.E. Breck
792 "Who is on the Lord's side? "Frances R. Havergal
796 "If in the valley where the bright waters flow"Fanny J. Crosby Where the Saviour leads
798 "Fading away like the stars of the morning"Horatius BonarOnly Remember
802 "While the days are going by"George Cooper
808 "There is joy in the service of Jesus our Lord "Lyman G. Cuyler*There is joy in the Saviour
816 "Speak gently, speak gently, oh grieve not again"Fanny J. Crosby Speak to them gently
818 "Not now, my child! A little more rough tossing... "Mrs Pennefather
822 "With joy I draw from out God's well"Phoebe A. Holder Wells of Salvation
828 "Trav'lling to the better land"Arr. I.D. Sankey Lead me On
830 "Light after darkness, gain after loss"Francis R. Havergal
834 "Press on, press on, O pilgrim"Fanny J. CrosbyPress On
836 "Simply trusting every day"E. PageTrusting Jesus
839 "Only to know that the path I tread"Allie StarbrightOnly to Know
846 "A long time I wander'd in darkness and sin"P.P.BlissI Know he is Mine
850 "I came a wanderer and alone"Julia Sterling*
851 "We have a firm foundation"Lyman G. Cuyler*
860 "I know Thy hand upholdeth me"Fanny J. CrosbyThy Hand Upholdeth Me
864 "I am redeemed, oh, praise the Lord"Julia Sterling*I am Redeemed
869 "Oh, precious heav'nly knowledge"D.W. WhittleDwelling in Love
876 "It came to me one precious day"E.S. Ufford
886 "I've found a joy in sorrow"J. CrewdsonJoy in Sorrow
899 "I will praise the Lord with heart and voice"Lyman G. Cuyler*He has Taken my Sins Away
903 "Drawing near with full assurance"D.W. WhittleFull Assurance
910 "Oh for the peace that floweth as a river"J. CrewdsonA Little While
912 "Shall we all meet at home in the morning?"AnonymousGathered Home
927 " After the darkest hour"M.R. Tilden
928 "We are marching to a city"Julia Sterling*When the Shadows Flee Away
930 "Far away beyond the shadows"Julia Sterling*

Notes and references

  1. As numbered in the "1200" edition of Sacred Songs and Solos
  2. Sankey often used the first line, or first phrase, of a hymn as the tune title; in such cases the title is not separately given. The titles shown are from the "1200" edition of Sacred Songs, or from the 1925 hymnal Golden Bells.


  1. "Why waitest thou, O burdened soul". Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  2. Sankey 1906, pp 247–50
  3. "The Lily of the Valley". Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  4. "We Praise Thee, We Bless The". Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  5. Sankey 1900, Hymn 231
  6. Sankey 1906, p. 24
  7. Sankey 1900, Hymn 432
  8. Sankey 1900, Hymn 460


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