Moyale District

Moyale District is a former administrative district in the former Eastern Province of Kenya. Its capital town was Moyale. It had population of 53,479 and an area of 9,390 km² . The district had only one local authority, Moyale county council. The district had one electoral constituency, the Moyale Constituency.

In 2010, the district was eliminated and joined Marsabit County.

Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban
Area (km²) Headquarters
Central 28,294 9,276 62 x Moyale
Golbo 13,633 0 5 x
Obbu 8,043 3,538 3 x Sololo
Uran 3,509 0 1 x
Total 53,479 12,814 6 (average) -
* 1999 census. Sources: , ,

External links

Coordinates: 3°30′59″N 39°04′09″E / 3.51639°N 39.06917°E / 3.51639; 39.06917

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