Relic (Dungeons & Dragons)

The relic is a class of magic item created for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. The first relic appeared in the original Greyhawk supplement III (Eldritch Wizardry (1976) written by Gary Gygax and Brian Blume and has since then became one of the most feared and sought item of the Dungeons & Dragons game.

A relic is a very old and holy magic item of tremendous power.

The term 'relic' has sometimes been used to refer to artifact in one or another edition of the game.

Publishing history

Dungeons & Dragons (1974–1976)

In the fourth supplement to the original D&D rules, Eldritch Wizardry,[1] appeared for the first time the term 'relic'.

However, the distinction between Artifact and relic is not made. They are unique magical items of great power which possess various power which effects are generally permanents and irreversible.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition (1977–1988)

In AD&D, a relic is a magical holy item of great power, usually extremely old contrary to the artefact which is a magical item of tremendous power, fabricated in the distant past.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition (1989–1999)

In AD&D2®, artifacts are constructs of the utmost wizardly might and relics, the remains of awesome powers and the greatest of holy men.

However, a new definition appeared in the Book of Artifacts : Relics are powerful magical items that have wizard, priest, or other powers, are made by gods and priests, and have some holy importance to a particular temple. Artifacts are powerful magical items that have wizard, priest, or other powers and are made by gods, liches, wizards, and other spellcasters. Otherwise, the two types are identical. An artifact must have three properties: it must be unique, it must have a history, and it must be important to the adventure.

Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 edition (2000–2007)

In D&D3®, Great wizards and powerful clerics, not to mention the deities themselves, have used spells and created items that are beyond the ken of present-day knowledge. These items survive as artifacts, but their means of creation are long gone.

There is no more distinction between relics and artifacts. However, it had been reintroduced in the Book of Exalted Deeds : relics are unique items that carry the indelible mark of good upon them. A relic might be a bone or bone fragment from a martyr or other holy person, or some object that touched a saint in a special way—her burial shroud, perhaps, or the instrument of her execution.

In the Magic Item Compendium, a new definition is given: A relic is a magic item that provides its full function only for a character devoted to the deity to whom the relic is dedicated. In the description it is noted that a relic is no more unique and can be manufactured by a character.

Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (2008–)

In D&D4®, there is no distinction between relics and artifacts: Artifacts are unique, named magic items whose creation or existence can’t be explained by the normal laws of magic.

List of relics


  1. Gygax, Gary; Blume, Brian (1976). "D&D Supplement IV: Eldritch Wizardry". Lake Geneva WI: TSR: 43–44.
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