Social Revolutionary Anarchist Federation

The Social Revolutionary Anarchist Federation (SRAF) was a loose federation of American anarchists of different orientations. Co-founded by Jim Bumpas, who published the SRAF newsletter for many years, SRAF held irregular continental anarchist conferences. One was at Wild Cat Mountain State Park in Wisconsin, hosted by the Milwaukee organization. Another was held in Columbia, Iowa, one near Champaign, Illinois, and others. At a 1977 SRAF gathering, the Anarchist Communist Tendency, which would later be called the Anarchist Communist Federation, was formed.

A small, photocopied, English-language discussion bulletin was published from the early 1970s through 1989.[1] Known as the SRAF Bulletin or the 'SRAF BULL', it was composed of letters and articles sent in by readers and others. There were lively correspondence-style discussions that took place over several issues and there were usually responses in each issue to letters and items in prior issues. There were several other editors/publishers of the discussion bulletin, including Franklin Rosemont.[2] The last editor was Billy Mick.[3] Most of the contributions came by mail from various points in North America, such as Vancouver, New Orleans, Minneapolis and Morgantown, West Virginia. There were contributors who sent in news and updates so that readers would know what was happening with the movement in other areas. Some contributors asked questions that were answered by reader/contributors in the next issue. The role of the editor (or editors) appeared to be minimal. The bulletin came out irregularly in the 80's and was 10 or 15 pages in length, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches in size. Organizations listed as affiliated with the federation during the eighties included Bayou La Rose, Reich Study Group (apparently referencing Wilhelm Reich), and the 'Horse and Goat People'.

Affiliated groups included The Living Theater, Chicago, Champaign, Columbia, Clouquet MN, Minneapolis, and Milwaukee.

SRAF and its subgroupings founded a number or periodicals, including Black Star and Strike!


  1. "SRAF : Bulletin for anarchist agitators". Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme. Retrieved March 30, 2013.
  2. "SRAF : Bulletin for anarchist agitators". Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme. Retrieved June 9, 2015.
  3. "S.R.A.F. Bulletin". Connexions Directory. Retrieved March 30, 2013.

External links

See also

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