Tom Intondi

Tom Intondi was an American singer-songwriter first based in Greenwich Village and later in the Northwest.[1] Intondi recorded three solo albums, and toured and recorded with a collaboration called The Song Project that also included Lucy Kaplansky, Frank Christian, and Martha Hogen.

Intondi died of cancer in 1994.[2] Two years later, friend, Frank Rossini compiled a set of recordings from performances (both solo and with other artists) and released a disc titled, Tom Intondi Live!.[3]


See also


  1. Richard Meyer, "Tom Intondi Biography", Allmusic
  2. "Last Chorus", Sing Out!, 39:2 (1994)
  3. Paul Zollo, "Off the Beaten Track: Tom Intondi Live!", Sing Out!, 41:2 (August-October 1996) p.146

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