Ukrainians in Italy

Ukrainians in Italy are mostly recent labor migrants.[1] As of 31 December 2010, there were 380.000 Ukrainians in Italy. Many Ukrainian women make a living in Italy as caretakers for the elderly, terminally ill, children or entire families.[2] With an average life expectancy close to 80 years, many Italian families are struggling with how to care for aging parents while maintaining a two-career household. Mistrustful of retirement homes, Italians have embraced Ukrainian migrants as an answer to a shortage of Italian in-home caregivers (making Ukrainians the fourth-largest immigrant community in Italy),[3] a professional role snubbed by many native Italians, due to its physical difficulty and emotional stress.[4]

Numbers and gender

According to a National Institute of Statistics (Istat) report about foreigners in Italy, there are 223,782 Ukrainians in Italy as of 2012, and about 80% of them are women.[5] With many Ukrainian caregivers believed to be working or residing in Italy illegally, other estimates of their numbers range broadly, from 600,000 to 1 million.[6] And while most Ukrainian immigrants eventually want to come back to Ukraine, some are choosing to stay permantently, becoming a part of the Italian society.

Ukrainian-Italian institutions


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