Utsunomiya Yoritsuna

In this Japanese name, the family name is Utsunomiya.

Utsunomiya Yoritsuna (宇都宮頼綱) was a Japanese samurai and waka poet of the early Kamakura period.[1][2]

His father was Utsunomiya Naritsuna (宇都宮成綱).[1] He married a daughter of Hōjō Tokimasa.[1][2]

After entering Buddhist orders, he took the name Renshō (蓮生),[1][2] and was also known as Ogura Nyūdō (小倉入道, "the monk of Ogura").[1]


He was a close friend of Fujiwara no Teika[1][2] and his daughter married Teika's son Tameie.[3][4] He is also said to have commissioned Teika's compilation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.[4][5] The collection was originally prepared (in a slightly different form to the present Ogura Hyakunin Isshu) to decorate screens (屏風歌 byōbu-uta, "screen-poems") in Yoritsuna's Mt. Ogura residence in the Saga district of Kyoto.[4][6]

He was the head of one of the chief poetic houses of the Kamakura period.[4]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Britannica Kokusai Dai-hyakkajiten article "Utsunomiya Yoritsuna". 2007. Britannica Japan Co.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Digital Daijisen entry "Utsunomiya Yoritsuna". Shogakukan.
  3. Keene 1999 : 738 (note 28).
  4. 1 2 3 4 McMillan 2010 : xxv.
  5. Shinshu University Faculty of Arts Japanese Literature Course Outline. December 2009.
  6. Suzuki et al. 2009 : 2.


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