Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006

The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006[1]

Long title An Act to make provision for reducing and dealing with the abuse of alcohol; to make provision about real and imitation firearms, about ammunition and about knives and other weapons; to amend the Football Spectators Act 1989 and the Football (Disorder) Act 2000; to amend the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and section 8 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998; to amend section 23 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969; to amend the Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Act 2002; and for connected purposes.
Citation 2006 c. 38
Territorial extent England Wales Scotland UK (England, Wales, Scotland)
Royal assent 8 November 2006
Commencement in force
Status: Current legislation
History of passage through Parliament
Text of statute as originally enacted
Revised text of statute as amended

The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 (c. 38) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.


The United Kingdom Government published a paper "Drinking Responsibly - The Government's Proposals" [2] in 2005 setting out their proposals for introducing Drinking Banning Orders (DBOs).[3] Schedule 5 of the act repeals the Licensed Premises (Exclusion of Certain Persons) Act 1980 because the exclusions from certain premises under the provisions of that act are made redundant.


The 66 sections and 5 Schedules of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 cover a wide range of measures.


Notes and references

  1. The citation of this Act by this short title is authorised by section 66(1) of this Act.
  2. Drinking Responsibly - The Government's Proposals
  3. Mack, Jon (2009), "The Last Chance Saloon", Criminal Law & Justice Weekly, 173
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