Votive Stones of Pesaro

The Ancient Votive Stones of Pesaro are 13 sandstone rocks that were unearthed in 1737 on a Pesaro, Italy farm field owned by Patrician Annibale degli Abati Olivieri.[1] Oliverio dug up the stones at the site of his newly discovered Lucus Pisaurensis Sacred Grove on his property at Il Pignocco[2] in Pesaro.[3]

These votive stones were incised in a pre-Estrucan script, each bearing the name of an early Roman god.[4] APOLLO, the Sun-God; MAT[ER]-MATVTA, an ancient semone divinity of luci; FIDE, an ancient goddess of High Divinity status, and IVNONII (Juno), a goddess of multiple origin myths,[5] are a few of the names inscripted on the stones. They are estimated to date from ca.400BC,[6][7] a time when Pesaro was called by its Latin name of Pisaurum.[8]

The stones are on display at the Biblioteca Oliveriana, a Library and Museum in Pesaro housing the collections of Annibale degli Abati Olivieri, Giovanni Battista Passeri, and Giulio Perticari.[9][10]


Pesaro (Italian), fr. Pisaurum (latin), pis (pi π, plural) + (aurum, reflecting gold).[11]

See also

Further reading

Lucus Pisaurensis: The Sacred Grove of Il Pignocco in Pesaro, Italy, discovered by Annibale degli Abati Olivieri, http://www.ilpignocco.it/en/about-us/lucus-pisaurensis/


  1. In festo Ascensionis Christi oratio habita in basilica Lateranensi ad sanctissimum d.n. Benedictum 13. pontificem maximum ab Annibale de Abatibus Oliverio Pisaurensi J.V.D.(1728)
  2. Votive Stones of Pesaro, http://www.ilpignocco.it/en/
  3. Lucus Pisaurensis: Sacred Grove of Pesaro Discovered by Annibale degli Abati Olivieri, http://www.ilpignocco.it/en/about-us/lucus-pisaurensis/
  4. Roman Votive Stones, http://www.italythisway.com/places/articles/pesaro-history.php
  5. Online Etymology Dictionary, see references to transmigration http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=Juno
  6. Estrucan Scripts Through the Ages, http://www.ancientscripts.com/etruscan.html
  7. Roman Votive Stones, http://www.italythisway.com/places/articles/pesaro-history.php
  8. Etymology Pisaurum, http://www.italythisway.com/places/articles/pesaro-history.php
  9. Spiegazione di alcuni monumenti degli antichi Pelasgi : trasportata dal Francese con alcune osservazioni sovra i medesimi. (1735)
  10. Biblioteca Oliveriana, http://www.italythisway.com/places/articles/pesaro-history.php
  11. History of Pesaro, Etymology of Pisaurum, http://www.italythisway.com/places/articles/pesaro-history.php
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