Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study
The Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study, also known as WITS, is an Orthodox high school for boys in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is an affiliate of Chofetz Chaim, aka Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir HaKohen. The Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study (WITS), the Milwaukee yeshiva, consists of three programs: 1) An all-day private Jewish high school providing a Judaic studies curriculum. 2) A university-level program for advanced Jewish scholarship. 3) An adult education program, which has been widely received in the community.
It is located on Lake Drive in the Upper East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, overlooking Lake Michigan.
WITS was founded around the 1980s. Since then, they have moved to a bigger building. In 2004 they added another section to the building. It consists of a Beis Medresh, Classrooms, and a Computer Lab. It would have also included a gym and a new dining room, turning the old dining room in to office space, but legal issues got in the way. As the building was built in the very early 1900s and is considered a historic landmark of Milwaukee, they had to place the new building behind the old building, hiding it from sight, while also making it with the same type and color material as the old building. On June 17 2010, the third floor caught on fire, due to electric malfunctions.
Deans: Rabbi Raphael Wachsman, Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Rauch, Rabbi Yehuda Cheplowitz
President: Alan Borsuk
Chairman of the Board: David Hartman
Director of Development: Rabbi Dovid Brafman
High school staff: Mr. Earl Lebakken, General Studies Principal, and Dr. Delbert Clear, Educational Consultant
Post high school staff: Rabbi Peretz Zachai, Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Rauch, Rabbi Rennert, Rabbi Rosenthal, Rabbi Cheplowitz, Rabbi Twerski